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![]() Much of our Tuna sold here is now Made in China! Much of the Tuna Fish is Now a Product of China (and other countries)When I unwrapped a 4-can pack of tuna that was formerly Produced in the United States, I noticed it said: "Product of China." So I returned it to the store for a refund, and then looked for some Product of United States tuna. I could not find any, whether they be name brands, or generic. There were some from countries other than China, but I felt those countries might also be questionable, as far as safety goes. China food has killed many of our pets, so why are we allowing food from China for people? I hear much fish in China is raised in sewer water! Next time you ar ein the supermarket, look at the Bumble Bee can and see where it is made...also, look to see who the owners of Starkist is...The answer will surpsrise you - Korea! ![]() When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it's best to think first about the basics of survival: fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. Recommended Items to Include in a Basic Emergency Supply Kit: Click right here to buy Kits on USAB2C!
Additional Items to Consider Adding to an Emergency Supply Kit:
source:, Dept. of Homeland Security Coronavirus pressures US manufacturers to bring plants home from China Breaking News!![]() Coronavirus pressures US manufacturers to bring plants home from China The COVID-19 pandemic has America rethinking its reliance on China for not only key medical supplies but production capacity in general after Beijing clamped down on exports of critical items used to combat the disease. China is the worlds largest producer of masks, test kits and other medical equipment needed to control the spread of COVID-19, and the shipping restrictions sparked outrage in the U.S., which leads the world in infections with more than 706,000 cases. One of the things that has happened with this pandemic is it's revealed to everybody the limits to our digital superiority and our software and all the things that we have innovated in technology, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told FOX Business? Maria Bartiromo. ?You still have to be able to make things. You still have to have industry and industrial capacity as a country. And we've given a lot of it away. Indeed, only about 11 percent of U.S. gross domestic product comes from manufacturing today, down from almost 40 percent in 1945. As the U.S. has lost its place as the worlds leading producer over the past 25 or 30 years, China has emerged as the go-to place for manufacturing due to its ability to create economies of scale in relatively small geographies, Charles Freeman, senior vice president for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told FOX Business. Although cheaper Chinese labor remains a factor in companies decisions to make their products in that country, it is not the advantage it once was, Freeman said. Instead, China lures companies with tax breaks and other incentives, as well as the appeal of its domestic market. Domestic spending in China accounts for about 60 percent of the countrys GDP, which totaled $14.3 trillion in 2019, making it a difficult decision for U.S. companies to uproot their supply chains from the country. While disruptions and shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have brought the issue of Americas reliance on Chinese production to the forefront, every company was already making calculations about how smart it is to rely on one market for supplies, Freeman said. President Trump has repeatedly called on U.S. companies to bring their operations back home, moves that would likely provide a spark to a labor force that has over the past four weeks seen 22 million workers lose their jobs, at least temporarily. Freeman said that while a number of companies have already moved, or made efforts to move, there are others that have huge sunk costs in the market and are unable to relocate in ?any reasonable time. He believes the COVID-19 experience will cause many companies to rethink the safety and security of reliance on global markets, and that there will inevitably be some movement of capital-intensive -- not labor intensive -- production back to the U.S. To get companies to return, Freeman says, Trump should incentivize domestic production instead of penalizing output in markets like China. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports a robust commercial relationship with China, he added, but also understands the need for some rethinking of that relationship. Rubio agrees. He told Bartiromo that the current level of U.S. dependence on Chinas industrial capacity has put our country "in a very dangerous situation. I hope that one of the things that will come about now is a broad consensus in this country that we have to be able to make things in the United States, he said. LEST WE FORGET - 9/11 ANNIVERSARY![]() Pre-9/11 NYC Skyline ![]() Twin towers of the World Trade Center burning ![]() Post 9/11 NYC Skyline - Freedom Tower Being Built At the site of unimaginable death and devastation, a memorial of breathtaking beauty has emerged. The National September 11 Memorial is a dazzling tribute to the lives lost, and to a city and nation that will never forget. It is the largest made man made waterfall in the world. They are bordered by bronze panels inscribed with the names of those who died there, at the Pentagon and in western Pennsylvania. In the footprints of the old Twin Towers are now two square, below-ground reflecting pools, each nearly an acre, fed from all sides by waterfalls that begin just above ground. The 9/11 terrorist attacks changed so much for so many people, the world's leaders and millions of citizens are pausing to reflect. Click here to see artistic video of "Painting the Flag"HISTORY of NEW YORK New Yorkers are rightfully proud of their state's many achievements and contributions. This synopsis is adapted from a brief history previously printed in the Legislative Manual. Duke of York New York harbor was visited by Verrazano in 1524, and the Hudson River was first explored by Henry Hudson in 1609. The Dutch settled here permanently in 1624 and for 40 years they ruled over the colony of New Netherland. It was conquered by the English in 1664 and was then named New York in honor of the Duke of York. Independence Existing as a colony of Great Britain for over a century, New York declared its independence on July 9, 1776, becoming one of the original 13 states of the Federal Union. The next year, on April 20, 1777, New York's first constitution was adopted. Revolutionary War In many ways, New York State was the principal battleground of the Revolutionary War. Approximately one-third of the skirmishes and engagements of the war were fought on New York soil. The Battle of Saratoga, one of the decisive battles of the world, was the turning point of the Revolution leading to the French alliance and thus to eventual victory. New York City, long occupied by British troops, was evacuated on November 25, 1783. There, on December 4 at Fraunces Tavern, General George Washington bade farewell to his officers. The First Government of New York State The first government of New York State grew out of the Revolution. The State Convention that drew up the Constitution created a Council of Safety which governed for a time and set the new government in motion. In June 1777, while the war was going on, an election for the first governor took place. Two of the candidates, Philip Schuyler and George Clinton, were generals in the field. Two others, Colonel John Jay and General John Morin Scott, were respectively leaders of the aristocratic and democratic groups in the Convention. On July 9, George Clinton was declared elected and he was inaugurated as Governor at Kingston, July 30, 1777. Albany became the capital of the State in January 1797. The First Capital of the New Nation Alexander Hamilton was a leader in the movement which ended in the development of the Federal Constitution, and he was active in its ratification. New York City became the first capital of the new nation, where President George Washington was inaugurated on April 30, 1789. The Empire State In following years, New York's economic and industrial growth made appropriate the title "The Empire State," an expression possibly originated by George Washington in 1784. In 1809, Robert Fulton's "North River Steamboat," the first successful steam-propelled vessel, began a new era in transportation. Erie Canal The Erie Canal, completed in 1825, greatly enhanced the importance of the port of New York and caused populous towns and cities to spring up across the state. The Erie Canal was replaced by the Barge Canal in 1918; and the system of waterways was further expanded by the construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Overland transportation grew rapidly from a system of turnpikes established in the early 1880s to the modern day Governor Thomas E. Dewey New York State Thruway. By 1853, railroads, that had started as short lines in 1831, crossed the state in systems like the Erie and New York Central. Statue of Liberty Located in New York harbor, the Statue of Liberty was formally presented to the U.S. Minister to France, Levi Parsons on July 4, 1884 by Ferdinand Lesseps, representing the Franco-American Union. The cornerstone was laid in August 1884 and the Statue of Liberty arrived in June 1885, in 214 packing crates. President Grover Cleveland dedicated the Statue of Liberty on October 28, 1886, when the last rivet was put into place. During the nineteenth century, America became a haven for many of the oppressed people of Europe, and New York City became the "melting pot." The Statue of Liberty (dedicated in 1886 in the harbor), with its famous inscription, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free," was the first symbol of America's mission United Nations The international character of New York City, the principal port for overseas commerce, and later for transcontinental and international airways, has been further enhanced by becoming the home of the United Nations, capital of the free world. Here the people of all nations and races come to discuss and try to solve the world's problems in a free and democratic climate. New York Stock Exchange As one of the wealthiest states, New York made tremendous strides in industry and commerce. The New York Stock Exchange, founded in 1792, has become the center of world finance. Diversified and rich natural resources, together with unmatched facilities for transport, produced a phenomenal growth in manufacture and industry. Research and inventive genius have been extensive, especially in the field of electronics, power and the peaceful and productive use of atomic energy. Center for Art, Music, and Literature New York City also became a leading national center for art, music and literature, as exemplified by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Opera Company, and large publishing houses. National Leaders The state has supplied more than its share of national leaders, beginning with Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the treasury; and John Jay, the first chief justice. Aaron Burr and George Clinton served as vice presidents. Martin Van Buren, Chester A. Arthur and Grover Cleveland went from New York politics to the presidency. In the 1900s, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt achieved the presidency; and Nelson Rockefeller served as vice president. Governors Charles E. Hughes, Alfred E. Smith and Thomas E. Dewey all were candidates for the presidency. September 11 AttacksThe September 11 attacks (often referred to as 9/11, pronounced nine-eleven) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by Al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There were no survivors from any of the flights. 2,974 victims and the 19 hijackers died in the attacks. The overwhelming majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 different countries. In addition, the death of at least one person from lung disease was ruled by a medical examiner to be a result of exposure to dust from the World Trade Center's collapse. The 9/11 attacks had immediate and overwhelming effects upon the American people. Many police officers and rescue workers elsewhere in the country took leaves of absence to travel to New York City to assist in the process of recovering bodies from the twisted remnants of the Twin Towers. Blood donations across the U.S. also saw a surge in the weeks after 9/11. Not only were New Yorkers united during this horrific tragedy but all of America and the entire world shared their pain. OSAMA BIN LADEN KILLED!! On May 2, 2011, US Special Forces killed Bin Laden in Pakistan. A small US team had conducted the raid in about 40 minutes. Three other men were killed in the raid - one of Bin Laden's sons and two couriers - the official said, adding that one woman was also killed when she was used as "a shield" and two other women were injured. Americans Celebrate this great feat. "America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done. - George W Bush Former US president ![]() Made in America Tax Break? Made-in-America tax break may not pull U.S. companies back onshoreMar. 5 2019 The U.S. is giving American exporters a sizable tax break on the goods and services they sell overseas. But the benefit might not be enough to convince Corporate America to expand its U.S. operations beyond what it was already planning. Instead, the deduction may be going to companies that were already going to export with or without the tax incentive, such as airlines that fly internationally, including United Continental Holdings Inc., and defense contractors like Boeing Co. and Lockheed Martin Corp. The provision was included in the Republican tax overhaul as a way to prod companies to move along the path President Donald Trump promised in his campaign to hire more people in the U.S., expand their manufacturing capabilities and store more of their intellectual property domestically. Yet so far, the tax break has not spurred a mass migration back to the U.S., tax advisors say. This tax break is not a driving reason for a company to start moving people or boxes, said Connie Cheng Cunningham, a tax managing director at the accounting firm BDO. The write-off, known as the deduction for foreign-derived intangible income, or FDII, drops the tax rate on income companies earn from goods and services made in the U.S. and sold overseas to about 13 percent from 21 percent. The Internal Revenue Service released regulations Monday detailing how companies can qualify for the tax break. Despite the possibility of even lower taxes, many companies have been shifting jobs and operations out of the country. Harley Davidson and General Motors Co. have opted to move some operations offshore citing other business reasons, including lower labor costs, the U.S.-China trade conflict and being closer to their ultimate customers. If it is consistent with their business operations companies are going to do whatever they can to get it, said Derek Schraw, a partner at accounting firm Deloitte Tax. Some companies are still weighing whether they want to restructure in order to qualify for the tax break, he said. Part of some companies hesitation is that the benefit becomes less generous over time. The 13 percent levy is just an introductory teaser rate through 2025. After that, the deduction becomes less valuable, resulting in an ultimate tax rate of about 16 percent on exports. The deduction could also disappear completely if members of the World Trade Organization challenge the measure as an illegal export subsidy that would require the U.S. to repeal or modify the deduction. There is still a concern that WTO foreign trading partners will continue to challenge FDII as an illegal export subsidy, said Larry LeBlanc, a partner at accounting firm RSM. Such a challenge would likely take years to resolve, and any repeal is not likely to be retroactive, so companies can expect the benefit in the interim. Exports have increased since the law was signed, but so have imports, likely a sign of a relatively strong economy, rather than a surge tied to a new tax break. Total exports of goods and services increased about 3.7 percent in a year from about $202.3 billion in November 2017 to about $209.9 billion in November 2018, the latest month for which data was available, according to the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. But imports also increased about 3.2 percent in the same period, from about $251.2 billion in November 2017 to about $259.2 billion in November 2018, according to the same data. The IRS rules also take a relatively lax approach to qualifying for the deduction, which could bolster interest in FDII. Individuals can claim the tax break if they want and the rules give companies an array of options to document that they are selling to a foreign party that makes them eligible for the break. Companies are not necessarily changing their whole mode of operation to take advantage of it, Schraw said. If companies are going to move their intellectual property, people or business, its going to be for business considerations as opposed to tax purposes. With assistance from Siri Bulusu Bloomberg News Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration![]() Theodore Roosevelt, 1919 "In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people." --Theodore Roosevelt, 1919 The SS United States - America's Flagship faces an unknown futureShe broke the transatlantic speed record in both directions on her maiden voyage from New York to Europe by the greatest margin in history. (That record still stands, 59 years later.) The top political, military and entertainment figures of the day regularly sailed aboard her, along with everyday Americans and immigrants to our shores. She became the living embodiment of America's post-World War II industrial might So significant were the accomplishments of the firm Gibbs & Cox, that founder William Francis Gibbs remains the only individual ever to be awarded both the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers' gold medal for both his naval architecture and marine engineering accomplishments. Gibbs passed away in 1967, but his enormous legacy lives on in the design firm of Gibbs & Cox, which continues to supply marine engineering for government contracts, though it has long been out of the passenger ship business. Of the numerous passenger ships designed by Gibbs & Cox, only the SS United States remains extant, stripped of all interior fittings, with the exception of heavy machinery. Interior fittings and furniture, auctioned off in 1984, have found their way into museums and private collections around the world. So significant was the interior design of the SS United States, it is still lauded over 50 years after the ship's maiden voyage. In summer 2004, Modernism Magazine celebrated the forward thinking 1950s female design firm of Smyth, Urquhart & Marckwald. The magnificent interiors and custom furniture they created are displayed in museums and still evoke a sense of the classic elegance of mid-20th century design. The significance of the SS United States to the American Merchant Marine cannot be overstated. The ship remains the largest passenger vessel constructed in the United States and the fastest ocean liner to ever cross the North Atlantic (both eastbound and westbound). As the nation's flagship for over 17 years, the ship's service was exemplary and it was never plagued by mechanical difficulty. For over 35 years the ship has been spared from the worst humiliation a vessel can endure: the breaker's torch. It is not only unusual that a ship, out of service for well over three decades, remains intact, it is extraordinary. In the past decade, a tremendous awareness has emerged of the liner's plight, and former builders, passengers and crew have come forward in large numbers determined to ensure that the SS United States is preserved as an amazing technological and engineering triumph, and American cultural icon. The tremendous red, white and blue funnels, while somewhat faded, still stand strong and are a testament to the ingenuity, vision, determination and pride that represent the American dream. As the stewards of her historical legacy, the SS United States Conservancy remains committed to the vision of a revitalized United States that can serve as a brilliant example of American industrial might for generations to come. Save Our Ship After the ship had been listed for sale for a year, in early 2010 NCL announced that it would be accepting bids from scrappers. After this announcement the SS United States Conservancy launched a major campaign, "Save Our Ship", to raise funds and awareness in support of the vessel. In July of 2010, the Conservancy announced that it had received a $5.8 million pledge from Philadelphia philanthropist H.F. "Gerry" Lenfest, allowing the Conservancy to buy the ship outright and maintain her at her current berth for 20 months while redevelopment plans are made and funds for her restoration are raised. This marks the first time in the history of the SS United States that a group concerned primarily with the vessel's historical significance and preservation has owned her. While this great ship is safe for now, she has not yet been "saved". Funds must yet be raised for her restoration and redevelopment. Once this significant task is completed, the Conservancy envisions a future where the SS United States is a sustainable waterfront attraction, providing jobs and important public amenities, while educating and inspiring future generations. Can you help her? The SS United States Conservancy began as an initiative of the SS United States Preservation Society, a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1992. For more info on Donating, Donate by Clicking Here. March 4, 2019 President Donald J. Trump Put America First During the Hanoi SummitNEW YORK POST EDITORIAL BOARD: In Hanoi, Trump Won by Walking Away Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times, President Trump said as he cut short his Vietnam summit with North Korea?s Kim Jong Un. Good for the [President], and just what we expected in noting the other day that his history suggests he is always willing to walk away from a deal that is not good enough. ?we?d say [the summit] was a success, because it taught Kim that this president is no sucker. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD: Trump Walks on Kim President Trump was willing to walk away without the deal Mr. Kim was offering. It was the right decision. Based on the details that have emerged, Mr. Kim came to Hanoi with a familiar North Korean offer: He would dismantle all or parts of the Yongbyon nuclear complex in return for lifting economic sanctions. TOM BOSSERT ON ABC NEWS: Not So Fast, Chairman Kim: Hanoi Summit Disappoints, but Trump Shines Trump was strong, smart, even tempered and mature. He maintained credibility as the lead negotiator for the peace-loving world. He also maintained a cordial and mature relationship with Kim while firmly rejecting his attempt to distract from the strategic objective of denuclearization. No histrionics. No fanfare. CHRISTIAN WHITON ON FOX NEWS: Vietnam Summit was Trumps Reykjavik ? He is Just Put North Korea?s Kim and China?s Xi on Notice President Trump just performed one of the most important features of tough negotiating: he demonstrated a willingness to walk away. In their second summit in Hanoi, the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un, offered to shutter one of his key nuclear facilities but demanded an end to sanctions in return. ? Trump rightly said thanks but no thanks. BRETT VELICOVICH ON FOX NEWS: Trump Knows Exactly What He Wants from North Korea (and Should Not Be Underestimated) Contrary to the biased assumptions of his critics, President Trump knows exactly what he wants from North Korea ? complete and verifiable denuclearization that can serve as a prelude to permanent peace. A bad nuclear deal that undermines U.S. security simply isn?t anything the president would ever accept. THOMAS CYNKIN IN THE NATIONAL INTEREST: Trump-Kim Summit: The Art of Walking Away [President Trump] correctly followed the maxim that a bad deal is worse than no deal. The deal breaker in Hanoi was Kims insistence that the United States drop a broad swath of sanctions, thereby administering the coup de grace to the maximum pressure policy the Trump administration successfully pursued as a means to bring Kim to the negotiating table in the first place. THE HILL: Foreign Affairs Expert Praises Trump for Walking Away from North Korea Summit Foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang praised President Trump on Friday for walking away from the latest North Korea summit without making a deal, dismissing the proposals put forth by leader Kim Jong Un. I mean the North Koreans were putting forth absurd proposals, Chang told Hill.TVs Krystal Ball and Mattie Duppler on Rising. ?Whether you accept their version of their proposal or what President Trump said at the press conference, nonetheless President Trump should have walked from Hanoi and he did, and that is really important because it says to the North Koreans that they?ve got to negotiate in good faith, he continued. ![]() Curtis Ellis notes the Chicoms 'have succeeded in literally stopping our way of life It is time to Boycott China -- really2020 - May President Trump has banned the purchase of Chinese-made parts and gear for power plants and transmission systems. This shows us the danger we are in, and the solution. The Made-in-China pandemic revealed how we are on dependent on Communist China for lifesaving medical goods. The president's latest move shows we won't be dependent on that malign regime for the electricity that powers our entire nation. A Chinese manufacturer of high-voltage power transformers boasts that it provides 10 percent of New York City's power. Only one U.S. manufacturer produces the special-grade electrical steel required for transformer cores. President Trump expects China will pay a substantial amount of money for damages caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Asked if he will submit a bill as Germany has, the president said, "We have ways of doing things much easier than that His executive order on power equipment shows how. Consider: Every dollar the Chinese Communist Party would possibly pay us in damages would be a dollar we gave them. We can save ourselves the trouble of trying to collect the bill by not sending them the money in the first place. Let's say it out loud: Boycott China. China's Communist dictators have been waging economic warfare against us for decades, launching missiles from their mines, mills and factories in an attack that has destroyed our industries as effectively as any precision-guided munitions. Now the pandemic has wrought further destruction. They have succeeded in literally stopping our way of life. We cannot let them do that again. How? Just as the CCP has waged economic warfare against the U.S., we can do the same. The Chinese Communist Party lives off of the money we send them, and we send them a lot. We must stop sending them our money. We must Boycott China. Our government must boycott the CCP. The U.S. government contributes to the World Bank, which still gives China billions. Until recently we funded the WHO, Beijings puppet. We fund scientific research in China. The NIH even funded bat virus research in Wuhan after it was banned in the U.S. (What could possibly go wrong with that? Oh wait, we found out.) Wall Street must boycott the CCP. Wall Street steers billions to CCP-controlled companies listed on American exchanges. It helps CCP-controlled entities sell securities in the U.S. Billions flow through index funds that include shares of Chinese companies. Pension funds from California to Iowa have staked the retirement savings of Americans on these dodgy investments. The finance guys overseeing the federal Thrift Savings Plan ? the 401(k) plan for military personnel and federal workers ? want to invest billions in the MSCI Emerging Markets Fund, home to a roster of Chinese companies that manufacture weapons, cyberespionage tools and surveillance gear for the CCP. Corporate America must boycott the CCP. President Trump warned American companies to get out of China years ago. When he slapped a tariff on China imports, supposedly American companies did Beijings lobbying and squealed like stuck pigs. Everyone from Bible publishers to shoe salesmen pleaded penury and predicted doom if the tariffs weren't lifted immediately. Had they diversified their supply chains as President Trump demanded, we would not be in the situation we are in today, depending on a hostile regime for the goods we need to save our lives. And each one of us has a part to play, too. When we say Boycott China we are telling the CCP the American people are on to you. We know the dollars we send to Beijing are used to bury us ? even literally. When we say Boycott China we are telling American-in-name-only companies to get out of China ? now. Whenever there is an alternative to Made in China, we will take it. We can buy New Balance athletic shoes instead of Nikes. We will buy from our local farmer or Hormel instead of Smithfield. We don't have to upgrade our iPhone until Tim Cook stops funding the CCP's techno-totalitarian dystopia. We're telling GM don't import Envision SUVs from China. We're telling Twitter to deplatform CCP propaganda mouthpieces, not Americans. When we say Boycott China we are telling Washington to recognize the CCP is a criminal enterprise masquerading as a legitimate government. We're telling the Chinese Communist Party's bought-and-paid-for enablers in Washington we know who you are. Joe Biden has been in bed with Beijing for 40 years, going back to 1980 when he voted to treat the Communist dictatorship as a "most favored nation." In 2001, he voted to give the CCP our manufacturing industries, and he's been parroting the CCP propaganda line "It's in America's interest for China to prosper" ever since. Biden is not alone. Washington has a revolving door and a revolving line of credit with Beijing. It's for people like Sheila Bair the former Treasury official now being touted to lead the pandemic recovery funds oversight panel. In between government gigs, Bair served on the board of China's largest bank. Now she "steps down" from the Beijing bank job to pull off another kind of bank job in Washington, with or without Joe Biden. When we say Boycott China we are telling Washington pols to close the revolving door. Stop selling out our country for your own enrichment. Don't let the CCP control our food (Smithfield), our media (AMC theaters, Universal, Disney, Hollywood), our energy and our technology (Huawei, Lenovo). When we say Boycott China we are telling the CCP's apologists in big media, big banks, big corporations and the Washington Swamp we're taking our country back The Founders understood that America would not be independent if we relied on other nations for our manufactured goods. Our first war of independence began with boycotts of British goods after the Stamp Act, the Townshend Act and the Tea Act. With this boycott let us declare our independence from the tyrants of Beijing and the tyranny of globalism that brought us to the current impasse. We can ? we must ? we will ? stop giving China's dictators our money. To ensure we recover from this virus, we must do two things: Wash our hands and wash our hands of China. ![]() America's oldest continuously operated woolen mill is set to be closed by next week, the end of this year America's oldest continuously operated woolen mill is set to be closed by next week, the end of this yearWOOLRICH, Pa. (WATE) - America's oldest continuously operated woolen mill is set to be closed by next week, the end of this year. Woolrich USA is reportedly cutting corners in order to continue the brand into the future. The brand has been around for almost two centuries. The announcement of the mill's closing came down Nov. 1 but is just making national news. The company reportedly promised its Clinton County, Pa. factory workers at the initial announcement in November that they will aid them in finding jobs elsewhere. Woolrich's roots begin from the year 1830, when John Rich founded the company to make fabric for the wives of hunters, loggers and trappers to make clothes and socks for the hard, mountainous terrain of 19th century Pennsylvania. The signature Woolrich fabric being the classic red and black buffalo-check plaid flannel. The company's website boasts about its woolen mill's history and roots. The new merger would mean the company's headquarters would move to London, according to reports. ![]() FDA update: Jerky treats sickened 6,200 dogs, killed 1,140 FDA update: Jerky treats sickened 6,200 dogs, killed 1,140More than 1,140 dogs have died after eating jerky pet treats, out of 6,200 cases of jerky-related canine illness reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA recently released those figures in an update on its continuing investigation into animal illnesses and deaths related to jerky-style treats. In that same time span, FDA received approximately 5,200 complaints of illness associated with consumption of chicken, duck or sweet potato jerky treats. The illness reports also involved 26 cats and three people. Most cases involved products imported from China, but some resulted from treats labeled as US-made. Many affected animals showed symptoms of a rare kidney disease, Fanconi-like syndrome (FLS), which is normally genetic. Reports of jerky-related FLS cases have declined in recent years. The FDA received 270 case reports. However, only 200 reports were filed since the agencys last update. During the investigation, FDA detected antimicrobial and antiviral residues in an imported duck jerky product and added duck jerky products to the testing system. As a result of this testing, FDA revised its existing Import Alert to include certain poultry jerky pet treats. However, the exact cause for these cases of FLS has not been identified. FDA continues to investigate the cause of these illnesses along with the Veterinary Laboratory Investigation and Response Network, an FDA-affiliated group of animal health laboratories. Lab analysis looks for pathogenic bacteria, toxic metals, radioactivity, pesticides and many other potentially harmful materials. The agency continues to caution pet owners that jerky pet treats are not required for a balanced diet. FDA encourages pet ownders to consult with their veterinarians if they notice symptoms in their pets, including: decreased appetite and/or activity, vomiting, diarrhea, sometimes with blood or mucus, or increased water consumption and/or urination. Pet owners can report if their animal becomes ill after consuming a jerky pet treat through the FDAs Safety Reporting Portal or by phone to a local FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator. ![]() American Jobs are being lost to China, Mexico and South America Where Have All The Good Jobs Gone?AP - Countries like China, Mexico and Colombia now produce what used to be produced here in the United States. We have given away our best jobs through so-called free trade agreements and most-favored nation status, which accompanies our membership in the WTO. We have lowered or eliminated our protective tariffs, leaving our companies vulnerable. Free trade means uncontrolled, unrestricted access to our economy for foreign-made goods, tariff- and duty-free. These goods are made at wages of $4 per hour or less. We cannot compete with these wages, so we are forced to outsource nearly all of our manufacturing, sell-out to foreign interests, or simply go bankrupt. We have sabotaged ourselves through our free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS). NAFTA alone has sucked over 682,000 jobs out of our country since its inception. Not only have these agreements destroyed jobs, they have destroyed our ability to manufacture. We are losing the institutional knowledge that comes with being a manufacturing powerhouse, and we may never get it back if we allow this trend to continue. The WTO has also facilitated the transfer of our manufacturing and wealth to overseas nations. In order to be a WTO member, the United States must grant most-favored nation status to all member countries. This means that if we offer a low tariff rate to a country such as France or Germany, we must offer that same low rate to China. We can no longer pick and choose which countries it is in our best interest to trade certain goods with. As a result, China now accounts for the largest portion of our balance-of-trade deficit, and many of our manufacturers have moved their operations there in search of lower costs, selling back to the United States at no penalty. This is clearly an unsustainable model. We cannot continue to live on imports and debt. We need good jobs, and our politicians are doing everything they can to prevent them from developing. It is time to replace any politician who has proven they do not understand this dire situation. The cost of inaction is too great. |