MB Stonecare & Supply

Since 1989 we've been making fine specialty products for cleaning marble, travertine, granite, limestone and any other natural stone. Most importantly, we always deliver...
When it comes to maintenance, preservation and restoration of natural stone, such as marble, granite, travertine, limestone, onyx, sandstone, etc. nobody beats the vast expertise and in-depth knowledge of our own founder and chairman, Maurizio Bertoli. He’s arguably one the foremost stone experts recognized at international level, and – within the stone industry – is well known for his radical, “out-of-the-box” way of thinking and operating. Many of his accomplishments and suggestions have become unofficial yet widely embraced industry’s benchmarks. His against-the-stream and no-nonsense attitude made him a controversial character that, no matter what, has to be reckoned with. Despite successfully owning and operating a company that manufactures a complete line of specialty products for maintenance and preservation of natural stone (sealers and cleaners) he was the first one to voice the fact that...
Not all stones need to be sealed, and that when a stone doesn’t need to be sealed, sealing it anyway is not only a total waste of time and money, but plain WRONG, as well and above all!
Which speaks volumes about the man’s integrity! He is the one who – against the official establishment of the stone industry – broke into the open the widespread fraud represented by the “convenient” generic classification under the label of “granite” of all sorts of stones that are not even remotely related to true geological granite. He’s also the one who devised the by now world famous “lemon juice test” to help consumers determine on their own the suitability of certain “granites” and whether or not they’d need to have an impregnator/sealer applied into them. Blanket rules and sentences cannot – and in fact do not – apply to a vastly diversified field like natural stone. And no fancy brochures or easy-to-remember standard canned sentences can be the substitute for true knowledge and professionalism. His favorite quotation is: