
Goodnighties Sleepwear
Goodnighties Founders; Marcia Bacon & David Bacon - American ingeunity at work!
In 2008, Marcia’s husband David Bacon (an experienced sports apparel manufacturer) brought to Marcia’s attention ionized-treated fabric (IonX) for her to try after having several back and shoulder surgeries. It was his thought from knowing the industry, that the restorative nature of this unique fabric worked amazingly well for professional athletes and race horses and that it just might be beneficial to Marica as she was recovering. As it turned out, what has now become the ‘one-of-a-kind’ idea- Goodnighties sleepwear,…Marcia, couldn’t get over the rested, restorative feeling that she experienced from this fabric. Her recovery was much quicker and became unmatched from previous surgeries she had had. Together, David and Marcia then worked tirelessly to develop a light-weight cozy soft fabric, colors and styles that have become Goodnighties of today. Because of Marcia’s extraordinary healing experience, she knew her mission was to get the word out to women everywhere about this amazing sleepwear.
Marketing & Sales Team; Sarah Baldwin & Jack Weissman
In early 2010, tired, exhausted and determined to find a solution for her sleep deprivation Marketing Communication Executive, Sarah Baldwin found Goodnighties through an on-line search that proved to be life changing for her. After the first night, she experienced a noticeable improvement in her sleep. At the time, it felt like a face lift! She then bought a pair of jammies for her best friend to try who has fibromyalgia (hadn’t slept well since being diagnosed in 1984!) – Again more amazing results- it was from these two experiences that Sarah for the first time in her career, made a cold-call to Marcia and David and like an old cliché developed business ideas that have grown into a productive partnership (her Sales Management Executive husband, Jack has also joined the team). So together Marcia, Sarah, Jack and David are leading the cause of helping women everywhere sleep better.