Backyard Birds CD American Made - Our Best Seller!
Code: american_made_Backyard_Birds_CD_NS044
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American Made Backyard Birds CD - Our Best Seller!
Step out your door, almost anywhere, and, within a few moments, you will see birds of one kind or another...This album was created for people who appreciate the inspiration and beauty of the birds we see everyday, like those in your own backyard. Their songs delight us as reach through the woods and touch our hearts.
Featuring the sounds of American Robins, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, Dark-eyed Junco, Black-capped Chickadees, American Crows, Red-winged Blackbirds, Northern Bob White, Northern Mockingbird, Loons, Blackbirds, Song Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, House Sparrows, Lark Sparrow, Hairy Woodpeckers, American Goldfinches, Mourning Doves, Rufous-sided Towees, Black-necked Stilt, and Barred Owls.
1. Backyard Birds
2. The Wetlands
3. Summer Meadow
4. Northern Woodlands
5. Midwest Farmlands
6. Northern Lake
7. Country Nights
Step out your door, almost anywhere, and, within a few moments, you will see birds of one kind or another...This album was created for people who appreciate the inspiration and beauty of the birds we see everyday, like those in your own backyard. Their songs delight us as reach through the woods and touch our hearts.
Featuring the sounds of American Robins, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays, Dark-eyed Junco, Black-capped Chickadees, American Crows, Red-winged Blackbirds, Northern Bob White, Northern Mockingbird, Loons, Blackbirds, Song Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, House Sparrows, Lark Sparrow, Hairy Woodpeckers, American Goldfinches, Mourning Doves, Rufous-sided Towees, Black-necked Stilt, and Barred Owls.
1. Backyard Birds
2. The Wetlands
3. Summer Meadow
4. Northern Woodlands
5. Midwest Farmlands
6. Northern Lake
7. Country Nights